Showing posts with label Babylonian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Babylonian. Show all posts

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Few WIP Photos.

Those are the things I am now working on in my spare time:

Southern Heavy Gear mechs on custom 40mm sabot bases and WW2 15mm Soviet Engineer-Sappers.

Essex Kassite and Later Babylonian Army. The chariots are glued to their proper bases by wheels so they can be painted easily without much hustle. Chariot crews are custom ones as the figures that were in the pack did not have bows. Chariots themselves had their axles moved back to give them more historical look.

0 Gundam that had one of his joints broken. Now its glued back with a pin inside. It's a third thing that had broken in it. First was the sword handle and then the pelvis peg.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Unboxing - Essex Kassite and Later Babylonian

Kassite and Later Babylonian 1595-890 BC DBA V2 - I/21a

All of the miniature packs inside.

From left: Chariot driver, General, Chariot Spearman ?, Auxilia, Psiloi Archer.

1 BSE92a Lch (Gen)

3 BSE93a Lch

15 BS97 Ax
6 BS98 Ps