Showing posts with label Unboxing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unboxing. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Zvezda - Hot War - 1/100 - 2S1 Gvozdika

Artillery is the queen of battle and with the new Zvezda release you can add it to your Russian / Soviet / Warsaw Pact armies. The 2S1 Gvozdika is a very popular kit that saw use in many wars, sometimes on both sides of the conflict. This new 1/100 model was supposed to hit the market in 2014 with  ZSU-23-4 "Shilka", now both kits are here. Although it is not as complicated as Shilka it is still nicely tolled kit. The turret moves and the gun can be moved upwards and downwards. It's a fun a useful model. Below are some photos of the assembled 2S1. Painted example should follow soon.

Zvezda - Hot War - 1/100 - ZSU-23-4 "Shilka"

Finally! Thats what can be said of this new release by Zvezda.  ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" was supposed to hit the market in 2014, then it was in 2015 catalogue, now it's here in flesh. And let me say what a kit it is. It's the best 1/100 Zvezda Hot War model. When put next to Abrams it really shows how far have they improved their tooling. It has tons of parts with the turret assembly mirroring the chassis, having the "skeleton" to which the armour panels are added. This serves one purpose: moving guns! Yes, this kit has moving guns. It's amazing in this scale. Below are few photos of the model kit. Painted example should follow soon. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Zvezda - Hot War - 1/100 - Ural 4320

At last! A new blog post and a new modern release in 1/100 15mm scale from Zvezda. The Ural 4320 truck. I hope we will soon see all the other kits that are in pipeline: Shilka, 2S1 Gvozdika and M109. 

About the new plastic 1/100 15mm Ural 4320 - it's a nice kit. Very, very well detailed it's definitely in different league than Zvezdas M1A1 Abrams. On the downside it's not that easy to assembly and some parts are quite fiddly. 

Here you can see some pictures of it with some other Zvezda 1/100 15mm modern Russian vehicles, QRF BTRD and 15mm soldiers by: Oddzial Osmy - "Green Man",  QRF - Modern German and Rebel Miniatures - Modern American.  As soldiers are based on 10mm coins, and have their own moulded bases I've put the new Ural 4320 on a base for some pictures.

All models other than the modern german soldier are on various stages of work in progress.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Unboxing - Corvus Belli Celtiberians and Lusitanians

Ancient Spanish Celtiberians and Lusitanians DBA V2 - II/39b or II39c

1 3Cv  (Gen)

1 2Lch

 1 2Ps

3 2PS 

6 3Ax/3Wb 
1 4Bd

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Unboxing - Essex Norse Viking and Leidang

Norse Viking and Leidang 850-1280AD DBA V2 - III/40b

All of the miniature packs inside.

From left: Commander 1, Commander 2, Flag bearer, Commander 3, Mailed Axe, Cloth Axe 1, Cloth Axe 2, Cloth Spear, Berserker, Bowman 1, Bowman 2.

3 VA2a Bd (Gen) 1 VA 2b

20 VA 11 Bd

12 VA5 Bd

11 VA4 Bd

3 VA8 Wb

3 VA8a Ps

3 VA7 Bw

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Unboxing - Essex Kassite and Later Babylonian

Kassite and Later Babylonian 1595-890 BC DBA V2 - I/21a

All of the miniature packs inside.

From left: Chariot driver, General, Chariot Spearman ?, Auxilia, Psiloi Archer.

1 BSE92a Lch (Gen)

3 BSE93a Lch

15 BS97 Ax
6 BS98 Ps

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Unboxing - Essex New Kingdom Egyptian

New Kingdom Egyptian 1595-890 BC DBA V2 - I/22a

All of the miniature packs inside.

From left: Blade, Chariot Driver, General, Chariot Bowman, Bowman 1, Bowman 2, Bowman 3, Jevelinman.

1 ANK2 Lch (Gen)

3 ANK3 Lch

12 ANK6 Bd (One is not shown as his axe-mace has been broken).

8 ANK7 Bw

8 ANK20 Bw

2 ANK9 Ps