Showing posts with label Painted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Painted. Show all posts

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Zvezda - Hot War - 1/100 - T72

I've got several Zvezda T72 1/100 15mm tanks. I like them mainly because I can get them in every model shop. They are plastic and lent themselves easily for converting. Here you can see some examples of my tanks. 

Two Syrian tanks, one with custom era and optics. Two Russian green tanks, one with Qrf T72BV turret. One early type (cast turret) T90 with shtora, in modern Russian camo. Syrian tanks are mostly done. T90 is waiting for AA gun. Green tanks need their AA guns and some paint.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Thebans.

My Theban army. The picture is't good beacuse I can't get hold on good camera. It gives some idea of how the army looks like. All figures by Xyston. Shields hand painted.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Polybian Roman General

This is a teaser picture of general for my Polybian roman army. The figure is by a Spanish company called Warmodelling. I know that he should be paired by two other riders but i prefer to do him this way and i'm sure no one will have any objections.