Showing posts with label Modern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modern. Show all posts

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Rebel Minis - 1/100 15mm - US Army Platoon

Just some quick photos of my completed american army infantry platoon. The figures are by Rebel Minis supplemented by some QRF/TSS Modern US Army designated marksmen  there are also some QRF/TSS Modern US Army commanders. I sculpted parts of body armour, backpacks and googles on QRF/TSS figures to blend them better with Rebel Minis troops. I don't think that those two lines should be mixed together, the sculpting is very different even between both QRF/TSS packs, with marksmen having a superior sculpt. 

The figures are based individually and then magnetised to FOW/Team Yankee style bases. I followed platoon composition that was previewed which does mean I had to add additional Javelin armed soldier and remove two men from platoon (Real platoon has 28 men including 3 Javelins vs 27 men including 4 Javelins in TY).  The TO&E I fallowed is for Bradley mounted soldiers and is rather modern with designated marksmen present. I probably should have one SAW per fire team and not per squad but I didn't had necessary figures. I might order some Peter Pig SAW armed troops to make my platoon more real. 

Lighting is bad on the photos and detail is lost but its better to show something than stay quiet. The camouflage is some type of modern dry one. I wanted those miniatures to be usable as any army using AR15 and Fritz helmet post 2001 year, thus there are no markings painted and camouflage is abstract one. I think I might add one more type of foliage to the bases but I am not 100% set on it. The hardest part was matching new figures to the ones painted over a year ago. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Zvezda - Hot War - 1/100 - 2S1 Gvozdika

Artillery is the queen of battle and with the new Zvezda release you can add it to your Russian / Soviet / Warsaw Pact armies. The 2S1 Gvozdika is a very popular kit that saw use in many wars, sometimes on both sides of the conflict. This new 1/100 model was supposed to hit the market in 2014 with  ZSU-23-4 "Shilka", now both kits are here. Although it is not as complicated as Shilka it is still nicely tolled kit. The turret moves and the gun can be moved upwards and downwards. It's a fun a useful model. Below are some photos of the assembled 2S1. Painted example should follow soon.

Zvezda - Hot War - 1/100 - ZSU-23-4 "Shilka"

Finally! Thats what can be said of this new release by Zvezda.  ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" was supposed to hit the market in 2014, then it was in 2015 catalogue, now it's here in flesh. And let me say what a kit it is. It's the best 1/100 Zvezda Hot War model. When put next to Abrams it really shows how far have they improved their tooling. It has tons of parts with the turret assembly mirroring the chassis, having the "skeleton" to which the armour panels are added. This serves one purpose: moving guns! Yes, this kit has moving guns. It's amazing in this scale. Below are few photos of the model kit. Painted example should follow soon. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

QRF / TSS - 15mm T-72BA with ERA (T-72BV) and Zvezda 1/100 T-72BV

Like most wargamers that want to get 1/100 15mm Cold war or modern figures I was drawn to Geoffs QRF Models. I've acquired several packs of infantry models and some vehicles. QRFs range of kits is quite amazing so it's the place to get your cold war / modern models. One thing that many wargamers find themselves questioning is figures comparability between ranges. With infantry you can end up having Xyston Republican Romans on one side and Corvus Belli Carthaginians on the other, the Romans being more than a head taller! With modern vehicles it is industry standard to make kits not in 15mm scale but in 1/100 scale. So in ideal world every T-34 should be the same, but there are some casting issues that lead to differences. With the advent of computer designed plastics that have exactly 1/100 scale those new kits become benchmark for scale purposes.  Not always rightly so as show measurements of Zvezda 1/100 - Hot War - BTR-80 compared with wikipedia (it could be wrong, I suppose that Russians know the right measurements of their APC).  

Back to the QRF and Zvezda 1/100 T-72 kits. With QRF T-72BV being in many figure collections it must be interesting how it compares with Zvezda T-72BV.  I will not post straight photos side by side as the tanks are only in name the same type. Whats funny is that the T-72 variant shown on Zvezda art box is not in the box, but can be bought from QRF.  If you get both tank you will quickly find out that they are different measurements wise. But the close inspection will tell you that both tanks have tracks of the same length, guns of the same length, turrets of the same diameter and main tank chassis of very close length. The differences stem from the way tracks are mounted in QRF tank compared to Zvezda making it sit lower, Rear fenders that are much shorter on QRF tank, and turret being shorter than Zvezda. What you can see on pictures is Zvezda and QRF chassis with Zvezda turrets. The QRF chassis has been slightly modified to match Zvezda tank. I believe that both tanks are compatible and with the little work they will blend well together an any army. Personally I prefer QRF Models T-72 detail and Zvezda T-72 fenders length, and turret height. The QRF turret / Zvezda chassis kit will be shown here later. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

QRF / TSS - 15mm - MGI02 - Modern German Infantry

This is something that I've picked several months ago and managed to complete from bare metal to flocked bases. It's not all green, as I have several more packs in various stages of work in progress. I still haven't decided what will be their APC. 

At 15mm these miniatures armed with HK G36 can work as several different nations each with its own APC. The second difference is the usage of different support weapons other than the very characteristically German PzF3. I believe that these figures can work for: German Army, Latvian Army, Lithuanian Army, Spanish Army, Mexican Army (although the Mexican army uses FX-05 it's superficial look is similar to G36) and many special operator units from around the globe

The figures are nice, well cast and easy to paint. I think that at 15mm they well represent the subject.  The pack on the pictures is MGI02 Modern Germans with G36 firing. I've had some problem with green colour for camouflage and it shows. I've added some autumn foliage to the bases and different green flocks. The effect is slightly exaggerated but I like it. If anyone is thinking what figures to get for his modern warfare enemies for Russians, one should really think about those miniatures as they are very versatile and well made.

Zvezda - Hot War - 1/100 - Ural 4320

At last! A new blog post and a new modern release in 1/100 15mm scale from Zvezda. The Ural 4320 truck. I hope we will soon see all the other kits that are in pipeline: Shilka, 2S1 Gvozdika and M109. 

About the new plastic 1/100 15mm Ural 4320 - it's a nice kit. Very, very well detailed it's definitely in different league than Zvezdas M1A1 Abrams. On the downside it's not that easy to assembly and some parts are quite fiddly. 

Here you can see some pictures of it with some other Zvezda 1/100 15mm modern Russian vehicles, QRF BTRD and 15mm soldiers by: Oddzial Osmy - "Green Man",  QRF - Modern German and Rebel Miniatures - Modern American.  As soldiers are based on 10mm coins, and have their own moulded bases I've put the new Ural 4320 on a base for some pictures.

All models other than the modern german soldier are on various stages of work in progress.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

T72 Zvezda 15mm - 1/100 Syrian Army wip

Here are some wip pictures of my new Zvezda 1/100 T72. These will be painted as modern Syrian tanks. The painted one is almost finished. It only needs its base completed. The green one waits for the grey stuff to cure.