This is something that I've picked several months ago and managed to complete from bare metal to flocked bases. It's not all green, as I have several more packs in various stages of work in progress. I still haven't decided what will be their APC.
At 15mm these miniatures armed with HK G36 can work as several different nations each with its own APC. The second difference is the usage of different support weapons other than the very characteristically German PzF3. I believe that these figures can work for: German Army, Latvian Army, Lithuanian Army, Spanish Army, Mexican Army (although the Mexican army uses FX-05 it's superficial look is similar to G36) and many special operator units from around the globe
The figures are nice, well cast and easy to paint. I think that at 15mm they well represent the subject. The pack on the pictures is MGI02 Modern Germans with G36 firing. I've had some problem with green colour for camouflage and it shows. I've added some autumn foliage to the bases and different green flocks. The effect is slightly exaggerated but I like it. If anyone is thinking what figures to get for his modern warfare enemies for Russians, one should really think about those miniatures as they are very versatile and well made.